律师 jeff kulinsky and Vimal J. Kottukapally


为客户提供效率, experience and effectiveness in legal matters great and small since 1983.

律师 jeff kulinsky and Vimal J. Kottukapally


Here is what some of our clients have to say:

泛亚电竞英雄联盟竞猜雇佣了洛伊斯Kulinsky & 多次代理遗嘱、家庭信托、父母遗产等事务. They are very 专业 and we will use their services again. 谢谢你的出色表现! ——伊万S. (2018年11月7日)

I do not know where to begin to thank you for all you have done for us. All the extensive work you did to release both liens was amazing. 泛亚电竞英雄联盟竞猜意识到你为了完成一个清晰的结案而超出了正常的范围. We are also thankful for the additional money you saved us. The smooth closing was a dream come true. We would be honored to recommend your law firm going forward. 你是一个特别的人,汤姆和我非常感激能把这个噩梦般的房子抛在身后. — J. 和T. (2018年4月17日)

I was referred to 洛伊斯Kulinsky to represent me in my 离婚. 由于情况不同, 我的婚姻破裂变得非常有争议,甚至到了好斗的地步. 露易丝对离婚对有孩子的家庭双方的影响的理解不仅仅是在诉讼过程中, 但之后, has significant effects long into the future. 她在敏感情况下有效调解以消除潜在有害后果的能力是无价的. 她在法庭内外都表现出对家庭法的渊博知识. 她在我的案件中出色地保护了我的权利,并承认了我前配偶在法律下的权利. In a very difficult time in my life, 洛伊丝和她的工作人员在整个过程中不断地给我提供保证和鼓舞人心的精神. 今天, 为了泛亚电竞英雄联盟竞猜的孩子和大家庭的利益,我和前妻的关系一直很好. I attribute this to 洛伊斯’s 专业ism and caring for her clients. I hereby give 洛伊斯Kulinsky from Kulinsky & 协会有限公司, 有权在她的网站推荐页面上使用上述评论,并理解语言可能被缩写或缩短,以便出现在网站上. ——戴夫·P. (2018年3月3日)

洛伊斯 and her staff are true legal 专业s! She is rock steady in her resolve for an equitable resolution. 洛伊斯 handled a very contentious TRUST litigation with great fortitude. 作为州外客户, 露易丝让我放心了,让我在加州处理这个案子很容易. Her advice was always sound and to the point. Her research of case law is second to none! 洛伊斯 and her entire staff have always been 积极主动的 and engaging. I could not have done it without her! She managed a complicated case from start to finish to a favorable resolution. I strongly recommend the law firm of Kulinsky & 协会有限公司 to anyone who is seeking sound 专业 and legal services. ——阿方斯·L., Northern California (April 4, 2016)

请接受泛亚电竞英雄联盟竞猜的感谢,感谢你在过去的两年里为泛亚电竞英雄联盟竞猜解决遗嘱遗产问题所做的一切. We never imagined it could be this challenging. I am glad we had your expertise and assistance to rely on. We are very relieved to put this chapter behind us- Brett W. 罗伯特·B. (2016年3月25日)

露易丝和杰西卡以敏感和专业的态度为我办理了遗嘱认证. 我住在亚利桑那州,他们让我很容易在家里处理事情,限制了我去伊利诺伊州的旅行. I highly recommend 洛伊斯Kulinsky & 的同事. 他们有能力,有爱心. ——Sandy K. (9月. 5, 2014)

我需要关于获得家庭成员监护权的准确信息和指导. I found 洛伊斯 and her staff to be 专业, 乐于助人,愿意为客户付出额外的努力. 他们研究了我的情况,以获得我做出明智决定所需的答案,这些决定将在未来几年影响泛亚电竞英雄联盟竞猜的家庭. 我发现他们的收费对于他们所提供的服务来说是合理的,我会向任何寻找熟练法律代表的人推荐这家公司. ——Renee S. 伊斯里(8月. 6, 2014)

I would highly recommend 洛伊斯Kulinsky & 的同事 (and have recommended them already). 露易丝和她的工作人员非常专业,以有效和专业的方式处理了我的案子. 他们是一家很好的律师事务所. 我会把他们推荐给任何想找离婚律师的人, 家庭法, 采用, 和意志, 信托基金, 和地产. I personally retained them for my 离婚 and will. 洛伊斯 was very helpful and when her schedule was full in court, Jessica总是及时给我回复,满足我的任何需求,或者与洛伊斯取得联系,并向我反馈信息/状态等. Throughout my 离婚, they were always very 专业. 如果将来有需要,你一定会推荐并再次使用它们吗. ——斯蒂芬妮S. (2014年7月21日)

I would recommend the services provided by 洛伊斯Kulinsky & 的同事 as I found them, and in particular 洛伊斯Kulinsky, to be extremely 专业 in their pursuit of a positive outcome 对于他们的客户. 我赞赏他们对这个问题的理解,以及为所有有关各方带来公平解决的知识. ——韦恩·高德曼.P.M., cfsp, cfpm, cphs, a.P.P. (2014年7月16日)

洛伊斯 and her entire staff were thoughtful, 知识渊博的, and showed honest care and concern over every step of my case. 我提出的每一个问题或表达的每一个关切都得到了准确而迅速的回答. 露易丝和她的工作人员非常容易交谈,你可以感受到他们在任何程序中保护你的权利的真正关心. I couldn’t imagine being represented by anyone other than 洛伊斯 and her staff. — J. 科维洛(2014年6月3日)

Just a note of thank you for bringing this awful part of my life to a close! 凭借你在律师事务所的卓越和专业知识,你让我人生的新篇章更容易向前迈进,让我昂首挺胸. ——Betty Peleska(10月. 5, 2012)

My mother, daughter and myself have gone to 洛伊斯Kulinsky & 在过去的几年里. 洛伊斯 and her staff gave us all excellent service and peace of mind. We all felt very comfortable with 洛伊斯 and her staff. They are very knowledgeable and give excellent advice. I am very glad we put our confidence in them. ——Sharon Schomer(9月11日. 6, 2012)

我一直是她的客户. Kulinsky’s Law Firm for long years. Ms. Kulinsky处理我的大部分法律事务,从简单的信件到非常复杂的信托和遗嘱. It is my very great pleasure and honor to work with Ms. 我的法律事务. Ms. Kulinsky has always been collegial. 我在许多情况下观察过她,这使我能够亲眼目睹她为提供最好的服务所付出的努力. Ms. Kulinsky女士的敬业精神和为客户提供最佳法律建议的意愿是我相信您会选择她的特点. Kulinsky and her Law Firm for most of your legal needs. ——Anonymous(2012年3月)

洛伊斯Kulinsky & 的同事 has been nothing but 专业. 他们已经处理了所有的遗嘱认证问题,并给了我最新的详细信息, not to mention itemized monthly statements. 虽然我住在另一个州,但处理我母亲的遗产比我想象的要顺利. ——乔·H. (2011年6月24日)

I highly recommend the law firm of Kulinsky & 协会有限公司 洛伊斯·库林斯基和她的同事在他们的法律实践中是卓越和可靠的典范. 洛伊斯 and her firm handled a very complicated probate case for me. 他们很彻底, 积极主动的, and actually gave guidance to other attorneys affiliated with the case. Not only did they handle the case with expertise, 自信与尊重, but they did so with the utmost integrity. — Jennifer Piazza (June 10, 2011)

洛伊斯Kulinsky has represented me since 1992. Of all of the attorneys I have dealt with, 洛伊斯, 到目前为止, represents her profession better than any other. Her legal advice and litigation skills are spot on. She leaves no stone unturned; crossing all of her “t’s” and dotting all of her “i’s.” I would never consider using another attorney for domestic matters. -佩吉

I used 洛伊斯Kulinsky’s services for both pre- and post-decree 离婚 work. 她很能干。, has great organizational skills and follow through, 受到法院的尊重,必要的时候是“穿着连裤袜的斗牛犬”. 我的前夫, who was less than pleased with the results of the post-decree judgment, 他说他会把她推荐给所有参与离婚谈判的朋友. ——安德里亚.

Ms. Kulinsky creatively picked up the pieces 我之前的一位律师,对我不愉快的离婚处理不当. Ms. Kulinsky should have been my initial advocate. ——丹·F.来自伊利诺斯州的Riverwoods

When I was getting 离婚d, a friend suggested “联系 洛伊斯Kulinsky.“是的。. 她是个了不起的律师. 现在,我把她当作朋友. ——约翰·K. Marquette, Mount Prospect, Illinois

洛伊斯Kulinsky & 的同事 have assisted me as well as my siblings’ families with wills, 信托基金, 地产, 离婚, 采用, real estate sales and purchases. Their legal services have been courteous, 提示, 彻底的, 专业, 让人安心, 非常令人满意. I wouldn’t think of going to any other legal counselor. ——比尔·M.他来自伊利诺斯州的惠灵

Excellent attorney and caring person. 非常专业,见多识广. 实际上是回电话! 强烈推荐! — S. 林德斯特伦,帕拉廷,伊利诺伊州

泛亚电竞英雄联盟竞猜的生活现在井然有序了. Debts behind us; have savings, and feel better about everything thanks to you. ——Alan G.他来自伊利诺斯州的惠灵

露易丝·库林斯基以她的毅力、决心、敏感和关怀,付出了一流的努力. These qualities exemplify a person who, 随着她的努力, 专用的, and caring associates (my dream team), 在场的是一群了不起的人,他们付出了自己的一切来代表我. 洛伊斯Kulinsky & 对我来说,律师代表了律师所能做和应该做的最好的一面. — L. 卡普兰,威尔梅特,伊利诺伊州

You took the worry and confusion off my shoulders and onto yours. You helped me turn my life around. Thank you for all your hard work. — Annamarie Capparelli他来自伊利诺斯州的惠灵

洛伊斯 and her firm helped us through a difficult time with my father’s estate. Thanks for all the hard work and dedication. ——迈克尔·洛克西奥